Secure Technological Access to Critical IT Infrastructure

Next-Generation Privileged Access Management Platform (PAM) for Secure Infrastructure Access Management (SIAM)


Cyber criminals target more than just data

- they aim to gain privileged access and control over IT infrastructure. Lacking discipline around privileged access management becomes a key vulnerability.


Nearly 100% of advanced cyber attacks involve theft and use of privileged accounts

Infosecurity Group

Privileged access abuse is the second most common cyber security incident


By 2024, 50% of organizations will implement privileged access. The introduction of PAM is "priority No. 1" in security projects for the coming years


The market for PAM solutions will grow from $2.2 billion in 2020 to $4.5 billion by 2025

Kuppingercole Analysts



Poorly controlled privileged access enables most cyber-attacks to succeed, leading to data loss, information leaks, financial damage, and reputation loss. Most organizations lack full confidence in the security of their credentials.

Privilege access management (PAM) systems and practices aim to address this but adoption remains relatively low. Why?


Our Solution - NGPAM

  • PAM designed for enterprise-grade security and usability

  • Comprehensive protection for privilege credentials to reduce breach risks

  • Lower barriers to PAM adoption through ease of use and affordability

  • Controlled infrastructure access for both IT administrators and business-critical roles

  • Automated access control workflows

  • Maximizes productivity by integrating with existing IT environments

  • Optimized for modern IT staff needs

We aim to solve contradiction between ensuring security and requirement for frictionless IT operations


NGPAM system
Product Information

NGPAM was designed for current complex IT environments, differentiating it from legacy PAMs. Key product design priorities:

  • Robust security and reliability

  • Integration with diverse infrastructure

  • Rapid deployment

  • Intuitive usability

  • Granular and decentralized access delegation

  • Scalable architecture that grows with your needs
